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Commencement or Indoctrination Speech?

Commencement or Indoctrination Speech?

By Anthony Hadford | A commencement speech is an opportunity for students to reflect on their educational experiences and receive advice and inspiration from notable figures in society. For example, in 1941 Winston Churchill told the graduates of Harrow School,...
The Unstoppable Secular Students, part 1

The Unstoppable Secular Students, part 1

Editors Note:  Free Think University is about free thinking, not about a specific ideology.  The following two part blog repost is being shared with our readership to keep them abreast of any group seeking to promote freedom of thought.  FTU is not promoting the SSA,...
A Cornerstone, Not a Capstone

A Cornerstone, Not a Capstone

By Eric Metaxas | The Case for Early Marriage | Tony Bennett once sang, “I love you. You love me. People do, why don’t we marry young?” My friend Karen Swallow Prior, an English professor at Liberty University, is making waves with an article called “The Case for...