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Pro-Life, Pro-Choice,
or Something Else?

The Moral Stakes

A debate over choice can be either moral or amoral. Your preference for vanilla ice cream over chocolate is not a moral one. Your choice regarding abortion, however, is definitely one with many moral implications.  Thus many have sought to spell out for those listening to the debate what is at stake in this argument.  The following three videos present both sides’ cases for such ethical dilemmas as the value of life, the end of life, individual liberties, protection of life, feminist arguments, etc.

The first video contains clips taken from the 2006 Tony Kaye documentary “Lake of Fire” that depicts the contemporary abortion debate in the United States.  It allows both Noam Chomsky and Peter Singer to present pro-choice arguments on ethics.

The second video is a clip from politician and physician Ron Paul, who sets forth the moral issues as he sees them from a pro-life perspective.

While there will likely long be contention about the definition of human life, some have set out to share a “Pro Life” or “Pro Humanitate” vision that focuses on the affirmation of the value of human life in unexpected ways.  In this video from The River Foundation, for example, the viewer is challenged to consider a simple question: “If a little Ecuadorian Indian with Down Syndrome who was found naked in a plastic trash bag in a dump can be an Ambassador of Love and help give people Hope, then what child does not deserve a chance to live?”