As is normal when science is faced with large amounts of data, the difficulty is in the interpretation. Two sides have come up in dealing with the idea that things might be getting warmer.
The one side states that human intervention, mostly in the form of carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes, has rapidly increased the warming of the earth’s atmosphere, mainly by destroying the ozone layer that protects our planet’s delicate temperature balance. The other side sees the warming trend as simply that, a trend or cycle that our planet naturally goes through regularly, and that with the paltry amount of recorded data going back only a comparatively short period of time we cannot say with any certainty that it is anything out of the ordinary at all. To read more about these sides, see the following links:
The two sides:
Human Causation:
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math
Normal Cyclical Occurance:
World Has Been Cooling for 2000 Years
MIT Team Says Earth in Part of Natural Cycle