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Is Global Warming
Theory True?

An Inconvenient Truth

Former Vice President Al Gore, who has been a leading spokesperson for Global Warming, narrated and produced the award-winning documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth, that made the case that human activity is increasing CO2 in a manner that is causing catastrophic increases in the earth’s temperature. This film caused a real impact on public opinion.  Gore was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work, and the film won an Academy Award.

The following video from “We Debate, You Decide” shows how both sides set forth their position with the “authority of science” marshaled to their contrasting positions.  The outcome of the competition of ideas in this debate will substantively impact future governmental policy, scientific funding, manufacturing practices, and resource use.  With so much money and power in the balance, how effectively does each side set forth its case?

Note, interestingly, that both sides are claiming scientific authority and data as support for their contradictory positions.  Both sides are claiming that the other side is distorting data.  One side is arguing that the other side should not be heard.  Proponents of Global Warming are policing how even the most prestigious scientists might object to their interpretations: denying tenure, sullying reputations, eliminating research fellowships.

Meanwhile, polls show that ordinary Americans are quite divided on the issue.  They believe that pollution is a problem, but most people do not think it is a material threat in their lifetimes.  Further, most people understand that human activity and economic development will create CO2.  In other words, there are trade-offs in the balance between economic development and environmental stewardship.  Wisdom is learning that balance.  We don’t believe that Africans should be denied access to electricity, for example, because that would create an increased carbon footprint.

Even as the polls show this split, it can also be noted that many are ill informed on the issue.  “Those in politics who spend much of their time railing about the dangers associated with anthropogenic climate change will often assert that the public largely shares their concerns about catastrophic climate shifts. You rarely hear from those oft-cited members of the public who are supposedly alarmed by climate change alarmism. Reason Magazine’s Kmele Foster, co-host of Fox Business Network’s The Independents, revealed why that is when he took to the People’s Climate March in New York City … armed with a camera and a microphone.”  The following video is what he produced.

This Thinker Education course aims to help you grapple with these issues.  Is Global Warming Theory True?  How does it relate to your views of the trade-offs between environmental stewardship and economic development?  How does the debate on this subject relate to the challenge of encouraging “free-thinking” among your family, friends and peers?