In this session, Jeffrey Tucker discusses Hazlitt’s Chapters 11 and 12 with Mark Thornton. Thornton is a Senior Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Instituteand a Research Fellow with the Independent Institute. These chapters further explore the basic principles of economics, showing how the immediate benefits of government intervention in foreign trade can be overcome in the long term.
Course Profile
- EST. TIME 2 hrs
- POINTS 1000
course outline
- Introduction
- The Broken Window and The Blessings of Destruction
- Public Works Mean Taxes and Taxes Discourage Production
- Abundant Credit Diverts Production
- The Curse of Machinery and Spread-the-Work Schemes
- Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats and The Fetish of Full Employment
- Who's Protected By Tariffs? and The Drive for Exports
- Parity Prices and Saving the X Industry
- How The Price System Works and Stabilizing Commodities
- Minimum Wage Laws and Do Unions Really Raise Wages?
- The Function of Profits and The Mirage of Inflation
- The Assault on Savings
- Summary
- Resources for Further Study
- Survey
- Assessment
Source Attribution

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