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Is Prosperity
Really Good?


Economics is a major topic of discussion currently.  It is also a poorly defined term in our day.  It is an ancient word, going back to the Greeks of old for its roots.  And those Greek roots give it a rich meaning.  Literally, the term refers to properly overseeing one’s household.  A properly run home almost always resulted in a Greek having all his desires met: enough wealth to live in his house peaceably, with well educated and behaved children, and contentment as he pursued the “good life.”  All too often many of those concepts get shortened into simply a discussion of “money” in our day.  It is also the case in our day that many believe economics is a specialized study that only a few can figure out.

In the following experience, you will be watching a series of journalistic pieces by John Stossel.  Along the way it is hoped that as you get past the “fear” many have of the subject and realize how many things in life touch on this subject.  Perhaps through this study you will become more comfortable thinking, talking, and living in a way that reflects a growing knowledge and wisdom in the world of the “well run household” or economics.  The assessment at the end of the experience covers all the videos.  Enjoy, and learn.


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