Thomas E. Woods, Jr. is an American historian, political analyst, and New York Times best-selling author with eleven published books. He joins Tucker to discuss Hazlitt’s ideas in Chapters 5 and 6 of Economics in One Lesson.
Course Profile
- EST. TIME 2 hrs
- POINTS 1000
course outline
- Introduction
- The Broken Window and The Blessings of Destruction
- Public Works Mean Taxes and Taxes Discourage Production
- Abundant Credit Diverts Production
- The Curse of Machinery and Spread-the-Work Schemes
- Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats and The Fetish of Full Employment
- Who's Protected By Tariffs? and The Drive for Exports
- Parity Prices and Saving the X Industry
- How The Price System Works and Stabilizing Commodities
- Minimum Wage Laws and Do Unions Really Raise Wages?
- The Function of Profits and The Mirage of Inflation
- The Assault on Savings
- Summary
- Resources for Further Study
- Survey
- Assessment
Source Attribution

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