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Lottery Winners (and Lottery Losers) in the Spotlight?

Lottery Winners (and Lottery Losers) in the Spotlight?

By Niraj Chokshi | If you think the Powerball jackpot soaring to $1.5 billion is just a pleasant surprise, think again: This was by design. Sure, luck had a role. It always does. But a rule change in October made it much easier for the lottery jackpot to reach these...
How Do We Best Help Those Most Greatly In Need?

How Do We Best Help Those Most Greatly In Need?

By Anne Barnard | BEIRUT, Lebanon — In the hills near the Lebanese border, an hour’s drive from downtown Damascus, much of a Syrian town is starving, according to residents and international humanitarian workers. The town, Madaya, is controlled by rebels and encircled...
The Unstoppable Secular Students, part 2

The Unstoppable Secular Students, part 2

Editors Note:  Free Think University is about free thinking, not about a specific ideology.  The following two part blog repost is being shared with our readership to keep them abreast of any group seeking to promote freedom of thought.  FTU is not promoting the SSA,...
Where Did Kindness Go?

Where Did Kindness Go?

By Publius | Civility in our society seems to be at an all time low.  The art of disagreement has disappeared. Real civility allows for disagreement to be artfully pursued between two people without harsh emotion, relational damage (or violence!) to those having the...