by Publius | Aug 23, 2014 | Course and Scholarship Updates
The debate about global warming is heating up, Al Gore’s vision of environmental catastrophe has gone cold. What’s the real deal? AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is...
by Publius | Aug 22, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Scott Clement | In the most unlikely of political talk show face-offs, Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) will debate Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn Sunday on climate change and what’s up with recent weather in Sochi, Russia and the United...
by Publius | Jun 2, 2014 | Grey Matter
Leah Barkoukis | There are plenty of studies out there demonstrating the effects long-term marijuana use has on users, but for the first time, researchers at Northwestern University looked into the relationship between casual marijuana use and brain changes. What they...
by Publius | Apr 14, 2014 | Course and Scholarship Updates
What theory best explains life on earth? Is there a designer of life, or is life the random product of natural selection? Experts argue the claims of intelligent design theory. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. A full press release on this new course can...
by Publius | Mar 28, 2014 | Course and Scholarship Updates
What is the evidence for and against the traditional view of a universal flood? Wade through the scientific, religious, literary, and historical data. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. A full press release on this new course can be read here: ...