by Publius | Jun 29, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Michelle Malkin | A stellar group of American historians and academics released a milestone open letter yesterday in protest of deleterious changes to the advanced placement U.S. history (APUSH) exam. The signatories are bold intellectual bulwarks against...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Jun 24, 2015 | Grey Matter
By R.J. Snell | In a recent essay, Mark Shiffman notes that in the fiercely competitive but nonetheless gloomy context in which university students find themselves, many opt to “major in fear.” Fear that they won’t find work or pay off student loans. Fear of lost...
by Publius | Mar 30, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Richard L. Cravatts | Seeming to give credence to Orwell’s quip that “some ideas are so stupid they could only have been thought of by intellectuals,” faculty at the University of Southampton in England will be sponsoring a three-day conference in April,...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Mar 11, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Gregory Alan Thornbury | No less than Western law, the civil rights movement, and Christianity itself rest on the historicity of the biblical event. Does it matter whether or not the Exodus of Moses actually took place? In a recent screed in Newsweek, Kurt...
by Publius | Jan 17, 2015 | Course and Scholarship Updates
We hear a great deal about “progress” in our day, but are things on the whole getting better? By what measure can we judge the answer to this question? Think about this basic question with other free thinking people. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT...