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Mann vs. Steyn: The Trial of the Century

Mann vs. Steyn: The Trial of the Century

By Robert Tracinski | The global warming hysteria is disastrous enough in its intended goal, which is to ban the use of our cheapest and most abundant fuels and force us to limp along on “alternative energy” sources that are insufficient to support an...
What Catastrophe?  Meet Richard Lindzen of MIT

What Catastrophe? Meet Richard Lindzen of MIT

By Ethan Epstein | MIT’s Richard Lindzen, the unalarmed climate scientist When you first meet Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology at MIT, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, leading climate “skeptic,” and all-around scourge of James Hansen,...
Polls on global warming, energy, and the sequester

Polls on global warming, energy, and the sequester

By Karlyn Bowman, Andrew Rugg, Jennifer K. Marsico | American Enterprise Institute | The latest issue of AEI’s monthly newsletter on public opinion, AEI Political Report, examines the attitudes toward global warming, how Americans feel about the production and...