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For or Against
the Hook-up Culture?

Resources for Further Study

Timeless Resources:

While much of this experience is about the sexual pressures in the current university condition, this discussion draws in many ways upon the timeless conversations humans have about the Great Ideas.  In this case, the discussion of sexuality, hooking up, and morality at college can be framed in the ideas of Democracy, Self-Government, what it means to be a Citizen, Freedom, Liberty, and many other such ideas.  Seeking to engage in the study and discussion of these great ideas will help you debate such specific and current topics as gun control.  Much of the great literature, of course, predates the existence of guns, per se, but still discusses violence, it’s causes and cures.  Free Think U encourages its students to seek to enter into this much deeper and broader debate/conversation by reading some of the following great works on such ideas.

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