How is the College Board Sabotaging Our American History?
By Michelle Malkin | A stellar group of American historians and academics released a milestone open letter yesterday in protest of deleterious changes to the advanced placement U.S. history (APUSH) exam. The signatories are bold intellectual bulwarks against increasing progressive attacks in the classroom on…
The Qualities of a Great Leader: Do You Measure Up?
By R.J. Snell | In a recent essay, Mark Shiffman notes that in the fiercely competitive but nonetheless gloomy context in which university students find themselves, many opt to “major in fear.” Fear that they won’t find work or pay off student loans. Fear of lost opportunities or moving home with mom and dad….
Poison, the Pen, Political Correctness and Islamophobia
By Michael Curtis | The free world is dying, and the false gods of political correctness and so called Islamophobia are killing it. The utter shame as writers withdraw from the PEN Freedom of Expression Courage Award for Charlie Hebdo is a metaphor for our times. Political correctness and intellectual…
Updated FTU Course: Are You Color Blind?
I have a dream! With these words Martin Luther King, Jr. challenged our nation to stop judging people by the color of their skin. How do we promote that beautiful ideal in our current culture? Bennett, Sowell, Maher and others make their case in answering the perplexing question of racism in our day.
Whatever: Combating the Heresy of Indifference
By Burk Parsons | Doctrine matters—it matters in life and in death. Our doctrine determines our destiny. It not only affects our view about God but our view about everything. We are doctrinal beings by nature. Everyone holds to some sort of doctrine; the question is whether or not our doctrine is biblical. Consequently,…
Physician-Assisted Suicide Compromises Family
By Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. | Allowing physician-assisted suicide (PAS) would be a grave mistake for four reasons, as explained in a Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, “Always Care, Never Kill.” First, it would endanger the weak and vulnerable. Second, it would corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient…
FTU Course: What Are the Limits to Scientific Inquiry?
Are there limits to what the scientific method and discovery can teach us? Does science require insight from outside the natural sciences? Sign in to to learn more about these course experiences, which are free for students and qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing college scholarship fund.
Poverty and Welfare in the American Founding
By Thomas G. West | Did Americans before the 20th century lack compassion for the poor? Did they treat the poor with indifference or even cruelty? That is the impression given by most high school and college textbooks. Few students ever learn that government-funded welfare, not to mention generous private…
Eye-opening Stories of Human Trafficking Survivors
By Sarah Schuch | The stories vary: Forced off the street at gun point. Trafficked by family members and sold to others. Pimped out by a man who she thought loved her. But one thing is the same. They were all violated, abused, beaten and forced into a life they never wanted. On Monday, May 4, a group of…