Professor Debunks Claims About Why People Become Islamic Extremists
By Billy Hallowell | Professor Pokes Holes in Common Claims Surrounding Why People Become Islamic Extremists — and Reveals the ‘Toxic Brew’ at the Center of It All. A Georgetown University foreign policy professor who also serves as a senior adviser to the U.S. State Department revealed this week why…
What are the Harmful Effects of Legalized Gambling?
By Charlie Butts | An anti-gambling group is getting set for a national day of action on exposing the harmful effects of gambling. Stop Predatory Gambling has frequently pointed out in previous interviews on OneNewsNow how legalized gambling is a failed policy. In order to gain revenue through a source…
Are We Still Laughing? The Progressive Death of Comedy
By Anthony Sacramone | So everyone’s heard by now that Jerry Seinfeld has joined the chorus of comics disturbed by the censorious culture on college campuses, such that they are refusing to play these venues anymore. “There’s a creepy, PC thing out there that really bothers me,” Seinfeld told Seth Meyers….
The Materialist Magicians Are Here
We’ve reached a cultural moment when Darwinian materialism and scientistic reductionism justify any consensual act, and even a good number of violent acts, provided the victim is sufficiently dehumanized. But at the very same moment, we’re witnessing the triumph of a Gnostic notion of our bodies’ role in…
FTU Course: Should This Book Be Banned?
Should ideas be censored by governments? And book distributors? Consider the curious case of Apple vs The Manhattan Declaration. Sign in to to learn more about these course experiences, which are free for students and qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing college…
The Subhumanities: The Reductive Violence of Race, Class, and Gender Theory
By Anthony Esolen | “We participate in being without remainder,” says the aging Reverend John Ames, the narrator in Marilynne Robinson’s wise and theologically meditative novel Gilead. The mystery of being is inexhaustible. Ames looks out his window at his small son and his wife, blowing bubbles and…
Free Speech has Never been more Threatened than it is Now
By George Will | Free speech has never been, in the history of our republic, more comprehensively, aggressively and dangerously threatened than it is now. The Alien and Sedition Acts arose from a temporary, transitory fever and were in any case sunsetted and disappeared. The fevers after and during the First World…
FTU Course: Was America Established as a Christian Nation?
Was America founded upon a Christian foundation, or is that simply one faith’s propaganda? Join scholars on both sides as they consider this complex question. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for students and will qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing college scholarship fund…
Is Conserving Religious Liberty For All Still Possible?
By Sen. Mike Lee | Thank you very much. It’s an honor to be here. Thank you, Matt, for all that you do – through Hillsdale’s Kirby Center – to advance the cause of liberty in our politics, in our schools, and in our society. It’s always important – in a free society like ours – to have institutions like Hillsdale…