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Will Strict Gun Control Laws Save Lives, Really?

Will Strict Gun Control Laws Save Lives, Really?

By Justin King | A church was shot up by a lunatic. The US government never lets a tragedy or crisis pass without attempting to find a new way to restrict the American people. So, we can expect a renewed push for gun control. There is a lot of propaganda about gun control. So much so that the truth has been lost. The National Rifle Association …

How to Make the Most of Your New Year’s Resolution

How to Make the Most of Your New Year’s Resolution

By Susan Orenstein | As the new year approaches each year, many of us start thinking of resolutions. It can actually feel uplifting to begin a new plan such as joining a gym to get fit, writing one page a day for the next Great American novel, or more prosaically, keeping up with your inbox). But, as most of us know, the novelty wears off …

Does Having Your Diploma Mean You’re Really Ready?

Does Having Your Diploma Mean You’re Really Ready?

By Motoko Rich | GREENVILLE, S.C. — A sign in a classroom here at Berea High School, northwest of downtown in the largest urban district in the state, sends this powerful message: “Failure Is Not an Option. You Will Pass. You Will Learn. You Will Succeed.” By one measure, Berea, with more than 1,000 pupils, is helping more students succeed…

What Does Your Library Say About What You Love?

What Does Your Library Say About What You Love?

By Joseph Cunningham | Want to advance liberty and Western civilization effectively? Maybe you’re studying political theory or the humanities and planning to go to grad school. Maybe you’re an editor for an independent paper with dreams of becoming a sharp, no-nonsense journalist after graduation. You’re not interested in a career that will only…

Who Do You Say That Jesus Christ Is, Was?

Who Do You Say That Jesus Christ Is, Was?

By Cindy | In preaching on this lectionary passage, I’ve almost always concentrated on Peter’s claim that Jesus is the Christ. After all, that seems to be the point, the proclamation of Jesus as the One who came to save, the anointed one spoken of in the prophets and the Psalms. But more and more, it’s the first question Jesus asks that catches my…

Navigating the Waters of Climate Change Resolution

Navigating the Waters of Climate Change Resolution

By Oras Tynkkynen | Bill Gates, billionaire philanthropist and technology visionary, has been a strong advocate of low-carbon technology. Most recently, he teamed up with colleagues such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to launch the Breakthrough Energy Coalition — a massive effort to speed up radical innovation. As strong as his faith…