by Publius | Apr 13, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Rod Dreher (edited for size) | A week ago today, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a minor-league religious liberty law, one very close to the federal RFRA model, offering what, should it ever be appealed to in gay rights cases, would offer a small modicum of...
by Publius | Apr 11, 2015 | Course and Scholarship Updates
Does it make sense to believe that there is no God? Can the atheist worldview stand up to scrutiny? Richard Dawkins, William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias debate atheism’s viability. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. Sign in to the class here to...
by Publius | Apr 8, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Jean Warrick | In this country, where our Constitution calls for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, we have not experienced in our 238 years as a nation being persecuted as Christians or having religious speech silenced — until now. For 2,000 years,...
by Publius | Apr 6, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Chase Padusniak | I think most of us would agree that discussions are fruitful when you treat your intellectual opponents charitably. Labeling a fan of Henri du Lubac “Modernist” probably doesn’t support theological debate—neither will calling anyone who...
by Publius | Apr 4, 2015 | Course and Scholarship Updates
Can prolonging a life be bad? Is it ever merciful to assist in ending a life? Singer, Finlay, and others argue both sides of this hot issue. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is...