by Publius | Sep 30, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Peter Fricke | A new survey reveals a shocking degree of ignorance about the U.S. government and Constitution, even among college graduates. College-educated respondents performed better than the general population in the annual “Constitution Day Survey” conducted...
by Publius | Sep 28, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Mary O’Callaghan | It’s tempting to make neat calculations based on what we know in the abstract about Down syndrome. But once an actual child enters into the equation—with all of his strengths and foibles, quirks and habits—we don’t get the answer we...
by Publius | Sep 24, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Maggie Maslak | The End of Life Option Act, now in the state senate, would allow physicians to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients who have requested it. In the second attempt this year to establish a “right to die” in the state of California,...
by Publius | Sep 21, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Mark Meckler | On September 11, 2001, the first successful counterattack of our long war against Islamic jihad was launched not by the United States military, but by a small, spontaneously formed, self-governing group of American citizens who possessed the courage...
by Publius | Sep 7, 2015 | Course and Scholarship Updates
In the American political system, does your individual vote matter? How is political power distributed throughout the nation’s citizenry? Consider a number of possible ways to approach this compelling question. AVERAGE TIME: 2 HOURS. 1,000 IMPACT POINTS. Sign in to...