by Publius | Aug 22, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Scott Clement | In the most unlikely of political talk show face-offs, Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) will debate Tennessee Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn Sunday on climate change and what’s up with recent weather in Sochi, Russia and the United...
by Publius | Aug 6, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Jesse Saffron | When I first read University of Pennsylvania professor Marybeth Gasman’s June 12 Inside Higher Education op-ed titled “Give the Money Back,” I was baffled by the author’s strong, hyper-political opposition to the Koch brothers’ recent $25 million...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Jul 21, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Mary Grabar | English departments have pretty much given up on their mission of preserving a literary canon or teaching poetic form and rhetorical strategies. Decades ago, politics of race, class, and gender overtook any concern for preserving and perpetuating...
by Publius | Jul 16, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Michael Paulson | BRUNSWICK, Me. — For 40 years, evangelicals at Bowdoin College have gathered periodically to study the Bible together, to pray and to worship. They are a tiny minority on the liberal arts college campus, but they have been a part of the school’s...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Jul 2, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Marty Manor Mullins | (Note: the first half of this article can be found here.) Not all East European women, therefore, maintain the traditional outlook on gender roles that Dunn’s co-workers did. Dunn herself alludes to this when she describes her experience as a...