by Publius | Mar 25, 2020 | Contemporary Culture, Critical Thinking, Grey Matter
By The Wade Center Blog | (Source) The world is currently experiencing a unique and unsettling time with the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). As you are aware, most businesses have closures or limited services, cultural and social centers such as libraries and...
by Libertad | Dec 18, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Joseph Cunningham | Want to advance liberty and Western civilization effectively? Maybe you’re studying political theory or the humanities and planning to go to grad school. Maybe you’re an editor for an independent paper with dreams of becoming a sharp,...
by Publius | Oct 21, 2015 | Grey Matter
By Susan McWilliams | It’s great that you love the Great Books. But now it’s time to read some bad books. And I don’t mean just any bad books. I mean the Big Bad Books. I mean the Worst Books: the books that you’re convinced are the undoers of civilization, the...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Oct 22, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Charlie Wesley | As an undergraduate, I did not often annotate the texts I was assigned to read for class. Nor was I encouraged to. When I look back through the books I read as a freshman, I find they are utterly devoid of notations. A survey of my texts from...
by Publius | Feb 12, 2014 | Grey Matter
Will the printed book disappear due to the eBook explosion? Are eBook sales flat-lining? Lovers of books continue to worry while eBook readers can’t figure out why printed books persist. The following infographic shows how the traditional hard copy book is...