by Prof. Jack Lewis | Jun 24, 2015 | Grey Matter
By R.J. Snell | In a recent essay, Mark Shiffman notes that in the fiercely competitive but nonetheless gloomy context in which university students find themselves, many opt to “major in fear.” Fear that they won’t find work or pay off student loans. Fear of lost...
by Publius | May 18, 2015 | Grey Matter
By James Matthew Wilson | Plato would say that education in the liberal arts initiates you into the imaginative, theoretical, and practical dimensions of human life, equipping you with both the vision and intellect necessary for living a dynamic and meaningful life in...
by Publius | Jun 4, 2014 | Grey Matter
By Scott Samuelson | Once, when I told a guy on a plane that I taught philosophy at a community college, he responded, “So you teach Plato to plumbers?” Yes, indeed. But I also teach Plato to nurses’ aides, soldiers, ex-cons, preschool music teachers, janitors,...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Apr 30, 2014 | Grey Matter
C. S. Lewis sounds this warning in a 1939 essay recently collected and published in Image and Imagination: Essays and Reviews by C. S. Lewis (page 22): Education is essentially for freemen and vocational training for slaves. That is how they were distributed in the...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Sep 27, 2013 | Grey Matter
By James Tonkowich | A dear friend’s daughter just graduated from a small, highly respected liberal arts college with her Bachelor of Arts in psychology “with all the honors, rights, and privileges to that degree appertaining.” What precisely those honors, rights and...