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American Fathers Seem to be Disappearing Rapidly

American Fathers Seem to be Disappearing Rapidly

By Ben Shapiro | With America suffering from increasing poverty, and with more and more children born into mountains of debt unleashed by their parents’ and grandparents’ generations, the greatest threat of all may be this: the American father is dying. According to...
Katy Perry Is Wrong: Dads Aren’t So Last Century

Katy Perry Is Wrong: Dads Aren’t So Last Century

By Genevieve Wood | “I don’t need a dude… It’s 2014!” Such is the wisdom from pop star Katy Perry on motherhood in a recent Rolling Stone interview. “We are living in the future,” says Perry. “I’m not anti-men. I love men. But there is an option if someone doesn’t...
What are the New Models for Higher Education?

What are the New Models for Higher Education?

By Matthew Abrams | Education systems that incorporate human interaction and multidimensional learning are poised to change what and how we learn. While the flipped classroom, EdX, and portfolio-based learning all exemplify the tremendous evolution that is taking...
No Real Greatness Without Goodness

No Real Greatness Without Goodness

By David Murray | One out of every five Americans has some disability. Seven percent of Americans have mental limitations or illnesses that interfere with their daily functioning. Only 16 percent of people with a severe disability such as deafness, legal blindness,...