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By Publius | Affirmative Action in College Admissions

The Supreme Court recently considered a landmark case involving Affirmative Action and college entrance.  Here is a quick summary of the case.

Compare this news story with the following excerpt from one of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous speeches.  Often entitled, “I Have a Dream,” this excerpt highlights his desire that all men and women everywhere in our free nation be judged by something more than the color of one’s skin.  King’s criterion for judgment is rather the content of one’s character.  What if demonstrated character and competence was instead made the main metric for college entrance?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speech(I Have A Dream) – YouTube.

Do you think race should be used to determine a student’s admission to college?  Why or why not?  Are you with Abigail or against her?  Comment below after watching these videos.