Those following Hitchens’ line of reasoning would say that “truth” is what we make from the world. As man thinks, evolves, and considers the best options around him, he slowly determines what is true. . We intuit our way to what is true through theory, experience, and practice – occasionally in that order. Thus truth is found in solidarity with reality. What we consider true is constantly changing, becoming “more,” growing, precisely in accordance to our growing knowledge of reality. So Hitchens believes anyone who states that truth is static, determined, or fixed is disrupting or even impeding this ever growing truth.
On the other hand, Wilson sets forth the idea that Truth is beyond man; Truth comes down to man from God. The Creator has made all things so, and man’s job is to find the truth and live according to it. This truth is fixed because it fits the way the world was made. Thus anyone who presents an elastic view of truth like Hitchens does is not dealing with reality, but trying to rewrite it.