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Are Human Beings
Just Animals?

Specieism: The New Racism?

In light of all this, some people advocate for a more simplistic method of understanding humans and animals. One such person, Peter Singer, has sought to communicate the flaws of “specieism.” Specieism is the belief that some living beings have more value than others solely based on the class or order of species to which they belong.  The practice of specieism is impossible to avoid in the society that we live in today, since we humans depend for food on other living beings.  Putting that practical matter aside for the moment, Singer believes that the belief in specieism has the same level of moral implication as issues like racism. Watch the following excerpt of the Colbert Report where Singer espouses his views on the subject:

The concept of equality between humans and animals, regardless of ability or accomplishments, is a powerful one to consider. To assume equality between humans and animals in today’s culture is to give up many benefits that a huge portion of people take for granted. Imagine foregoing any product or action that involved the subjugation of animals, such as eating meat, or even dairy products.  And is specieism also advanced by the separation, by our ordering or classification of living things, when we distinguish between animals and plants?