In recent years, and even more so in recent months, public discussions about the issue of homosexuality have taken an ominous turn – ominous, that is, for the future of democracy, academic freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Perhaps frustrated with the pace of social change in a democratic society, those demanding public affirmation of homosexual conduct and relationships have begun to abandon the methods of honest and respectful debate, and demand that no debate on the issue of homosexuality be permitted.
Ironically, those who accuse social conservatives of “repeated, groundless name-calling”[i] are themselves using that very tactic. When an individual or group – whether a politician, a non-profit organization, a local church, or an entire religion – has never said that they “hate” anyone; has consistently said that they love their neighbor; and has consistently pursued policies which they sincerely believe will preserve the life and health and improve the well-being of those involved; it can be nothing but name-calling to stigmatize them and seek to cut them out of the public conversation with the label of “hate.”
Likewise, it is not fair to call someone who objects to homosexual behavior a “hater” or a bigot. It would be like accusing a mother of hate because she discourages her college-aged son from cohabitating with women. Perhaps it is in fact her love for him that compels her to want what is best for her son: and she may have reason to believe that cohabitation before marriage is not in her son’s best interest. Agree or disagree with her position, it is unfair to presume that the mother hates her son.
If anything should be clear from the information shared above, it is that there are legitimate grounds for debate on the origin, nature, and consequences of homosexuality. Let all people of goodwill – regardless of their politics, religion, or sexual orientation – agree that the debate should continue, with a respect for honest research and for the freedom of thought, speech, and religion.
Indeed, might we all endeavor to move past the easy and rabid emotions of this debate into a more reasoned conversation, and a deeper respect for the shared humanity of people with differing views than one’s own. Perhaps you can help lead the way?