To conclude this Free Think University experience, we present one of the many essays you can find at The John Templeton Foundation website:
The Templeton Foundation asked several dozen highly-distinguished academic scientists and philosophers the question, “Does Science Make Belief in God Obsolete?” The following essay is one reply by William D. Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics.
Can anyone successfully make the case that one must choose between God and science – either God, or science, but never both? Dr. Phillips and scores of renowned scientists past and present have made the assertion that God and science are not at odds. Many go further, in fact, and contend that their faith in God enriches their scientific understanding and appreciation.
Why the bullying about the essential choice, the great either/or? Consider this alternative: Both believers and unbelievers can be great scientists.
We mentioned earlier that science is defined as the careful observation of various types of evidence. Then, throughout the rest of the course, we presented you with evidence from both sides of the debate. Now it’s time to put the scientific method to the test. Ask yourself, what have you observed?