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How Do We Define
Social Conservatism?


There were two major events that brought upon the rise of social conservatives, whom were initially known as the New Right: 1.) The infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, and 2.) The selection of liberal Republican, Nelson Rockefeller, as Vice President of the United States after Gerald Ford ascended to the presidency.  Many felt the cultural excesses and upheaval of the 1960s occurred due to a moral drift within society and felt that only through political participation could the “Silent Majority” have their voices heard once again.

While similar in thought to the Traditionalist branch of the conservative movement, the rise of the Religious Right, or “Values Voter,” would actually be a sub-branch of Traditionalism as they would be more politically active and would engage specifically on cultural issues such as abortion, marriage, school prayer, school choice, etc.  Their influence has changed the American political landscape and for the first time since the Roe v. Wade decision, younger people are more Pro-Life than ever before, according to a recent Gallup poll.

Join us in this exploration of the ideas, influencers and entities in the social conservative sphere as we discuss Jerry Falwell, the Moral Majority, Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition, the Family Research Council, the Values Voter Summit, and what the future holds for a movement that stands at the crossroads of upholding tradition and the civil society but is constantly challenged by the forces of modernity and secularization.

Christian Conservatives Gather To Discuss Alito Nomination

The Presenter

Tony Perkins is President of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council. Tony Perkins and FRC have led the way in defending religious freedom in the public square, protecting the unborn and their mothers, defending and strengthening one man/one woman marriage and promoting pro-family public policy.  Mr. Perkins hosts a daily national radio program, “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins,” and broadcasts a daily commentary heard on over 300 stations nationwide.  His daily email, the Washington Update, is sent to tens of thousands of grassroots activists.  An effective communicator, he frequently appears on national broadcast and cable news programs. M r. Perkins first book, Personal Faith, Public Policy, co-authored with Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., was released in March 2008.  He is also veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and received his undergraduate degree from Liberty University and a Master’s Degree from Louisiana State University in Public Administration.  In May 2006 he received an honorary doctorate in theology from Liberty University.

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