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By TheCollegeFix staff | A new Pew Research poll shows that in the wake of record levels of spending and more than $16 trillion in government debt, the Obama administration’s move to increase the role of government in citizen’s lives is having its desired effect: It has created a mentality of dependency among the majority of young people.

Obamacare, record numbers on food stamps, unprecedented student loan subsidies–young people like the handouts and they want more.

A Pew Research study released today brought to light some scary figures about young people that conservatives must confront, especially since the youth vote was the deciding factor in key swing states. Here they are:

  • 44 percent of young voters identify themselves with the Democratic Party, whereas only 26 percent identify with the Republican Party and 30 percent as Independent.
  • 33 percent of young voters identify their political views as liberal, whereas only 26 percent identify their political views as conservative.
  • 53 percent of young voters approve of President Obama’s healthcare law.
  • Young voters under 30 represented 19 percent of the voter turnout population in 2012, compared to 18 percent in 2008–meaning it’s growing.

But the most troubling of the information released in this study is that nearly 6 in 10 of the voters under 30 support a more expansive role of government in solving problems. We can’t expect this mindset to change unless we start mirroring the left’s campaign efforts on college campuses.