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Lottery Winners (and Lottery Losers) in the Spotlight?

Lottery Winners (and Lottery Losers) in the Spotlight?

By Niraj Chokshi | If you think the Powerball jackpot soaring to $1.5 billion is just a pleasant surprise, think again: This was by design. Sure, luck had a role. It always does. But a rule change in October made it much easier for the lottery jackpot to reach these...
Hunger Games at Amazon?

Hunger Games at Amazon?

By Michael Metzger | If a recent New York Times article describing Amazon’s culture is anywhere close to the truth, Amazon is not a healthy place to work. In fact, it’s more like the Hunger Games. A few weeks back, NYT reporters Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld wrote...
The Logic Of Economic Discrimination

The Logic Of Economic Discrimination

By Jordan J. Ballor | If Apple can boycott Indiana, why can’t evangelicals boycott same-sex weddings? The passage and consideration of religious liberty laws in states like Indiana and Arkansas has sparked a firestorm of controversy. Powerful corporate interests and...