FTU Course: Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, or Something Else?
Are we killing off the human race or preserving our individual freedom through legal abortion? Both sides present their case in the debate. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for students and will qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing…
FTU Course: Do You Know Basic Economics?
Modern economists often make their field far too difficult. Everyone should know how basic economics work and how it affects them. Learn about easy economics here. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for students and will qualify them to participate in…
Have You Ever Opposed Same-Sex Marriage?
By Rod Dreher | The Law of Merited Impossibility in action: Apple has cut ties with an Alabama lobbyist because he opposed same-sex marriage during his time as a state legislator and congressional candidate. Former State Rep. Jay Love (R-Montgomery) left the legislature in 2013 to pursue opportunities…
FTU Course: Is the Traditional Family Worth Saving?
Is the old model of “the family” obsolete? Many argue it should be, while others like G.K. Chesterton contend that it must be preserved. To which view are you married? Sign in to the course here to learn more about these course experiences, which are free for students and qualify them to participate in…
Five Ideas To Prevent America’s Coming Demographic Suicide
By Joy Pullmann | The U.S. is in terrible financial and demographic shape. But there’s hope. We can all step up and fill the breaches, together. It will take some sacrifice. President Obama’s most recent budget makes it clear, the Wall Street Journal says, that while Republicans need his signature…
FTU Course: Expelled: Origins Debate?
Are universities promoting free inquiry about competing views of human origins? Watch the film, Expelled, and make up your own mind. Sign in to the course here to learn more about these course experiences, which are free for students and qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing college…
Do Liberals Still Exist? Liberals and the Illiberal Left
By David Frumjan | “A liberal,” Robert Frost once said, “is someone who can’t take his own side in an argument.” If conservatives are often caricatured by their detractors as unfeeling, liberals are painted as uncertain, weak, and easily bullied. Back in the 1980s, the centrist British politician David…
FTU Course: A Free People’s Suicide?
By Publius | Os Guinness says of the decline of the American Republic that “The problem is not wolves at the door but termites in the floor.” Do you agree? Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for students and will qualify them to participate in America’s…
How Student Debt Harms the Economy
By Mitchell E. Daniels | In 2010-13, the percentage of younger people owning part of a new business dropped to 3.6% from 6.1%. To the growing catalog of damage caused by the decades-long run-up in the cost of higher education, we may have to add another casualty. On top of the harm high tuition and other…