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Three Ways the Liberal Arts Will Enrich Your Life

Three Ways the Liberal Arts Will Enrich Your Life

By James Matthew Wilson | Plato would say that education in the liberal arts initiates you into the imaginative, theoretical, and practical dimensions of human life, equipping you with both the vision and intellect necessary for living a dynamic and meaningful life in the world. I’ll show you the three…

House Republicans Go After Birthright Citizenship

House Republicans Go After Birthright Citizenship

By Elise Foley | Democrats in Congress frequently accuse the GOP of attacking immigrants, and on Wednesday, House Republicans gave them more fodder by holding a hearing on whether the U.S. should continue the longstanding practice of granting citizenship to all children born here.  Some Republicans argue…

The Logic Of Economic Discrimination

The Logic Of Economic Discrimination

By Jordan J. Ballor | If Apple can boycott Indiana, why can’t evangelicals boycott same-sex weddings? The passage and consideration of religious liberty laws in states like Indiana and Arkansas has sparked a firestorm of controversy. Powerful corporate interests and vociferous gay activists have opposed…

Why Difficult Conversations are Impossible

Why Difficult Conversations are Impossible

By JC Sullivan  | Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his intention to delay a vote on Loretta Lynch’s confirmation as United States Attorney General until the Senate considers a bill aimed at fighting human trafficking. This bill has met Democratic opposition because of certain…

What Christianophobia Looks Like in America

What Christianophobia Looks Like in America

By George Yancey | As America’s religious landscape grows more diverse, we see Christianity’s cultural dominance fading. While a vast majority of the country and our leaders still identify as Christian, many conservative Protestants sense a growing animosity toward themselves and their beliefs.  For the…

This American Muslim Entrepreneur Hopes Capitalism can Defeat ISIS

This American Muslim Entrepreneur Hopes Capitalism can Defeat ISIS

By Matthew Bell | Shahed Amanullah helped advise the US State Department and White House on social media strategy and countering extremism online.  Call it capitalism as a counterterrorism strategy.  ISIS is like a small, nimble start-up, building its brand for a target audience of 500 million Muslim youth…

Memo to Military: Lowering Standards is Not Equality

Memo to Military: Lowering Standards is Not Equality

By Chad Groening | A national defense analyst says there’s no need to place women into direct combat units just to bow to political correctness.  “Men and women aren’t the same. They are different,” says Bob Maginnis, a senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council.  The Obama…

Updated FTU Course: Is Wisdom Attainable?

Updated FTU Course: Is Wisdom Attainable?

The wisdom tradition recognizes wise and unwise choices, and claims that knowing the difference is important. Do you prize wisdom? Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for students and will qualify them to participate in America’s fastest-growing college…

From Sticks and Stones to Microaggression?

From Sticks and Stones to Microaggression?

By Eric Metaxas | Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: I just flew in from London and, boy, are my arms tired.  Of course, you couldn’t stop me, so I told a bad joke. But it seems I may have done more than offend against humor—I may have committed a “microaggression.”  If you’ve never heard the term…