Manliness: An Unsung Trait of the Train Heroes
By Mona Charen | When a heavily armed man emerged from the bathroom of a European train and began what was clearly intended as a massacre of innocent, unsuspecting civilians, six men ranging in age from 22 to 62 sprang into action. A banker and a middle-aged academic, both French, were first on the scene….
What are Five Things Taylor Swift can Teach Us about Capitalism?
By Nicole Russell | How do I love Taylor Swift? Let me count the ways. She writes upbeat music that triggers romantic nostalgia, she gives generously to her fans, and she lays the smackdown on super-successful companies who try to implement socialist policies on the sly. What’s more, she does it in…
What Questions Does Faith Ask of Modern Science?
By John Ortberg | Because science has made such amazing progress in fields like medicine and technology, some people claim that the scientific method is the only way to reliable knowledge. This belief is sometimes called “Scientism.” Cambridge University physicist and Anglican priest Sir JohnPolkinghorne…
Nobel Prize-winning Scientist says Obama is Dead Wrong on Global Warming
By Michael Bastasch | In 2008, Dr. Ivar Giaever joined over 70 Nobel Science Laureates in endorsing Barack Obama for president, but seven years later the Nobel Prize winner now stands against the president on global warming. “I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Giaever, who won…
US Records All-time-high Number Renounced Citizenships
By Andre Mitchell | The primary reason why some Americans renounce their US citizenship is high taxes, according to a recent survey conducted by The University of Kent. The United States government has recorded an all-time-high number of Americans who renounced their citizenship during the first quarter…
Can It be Proven that Conservatives are in Fact the True Liberals?
By Daniel B. Klein | Here I make a plea, addressed to conservatives and libertarians, regarding the word liberal: please do not describe leftists, progressives, social democrats, or Democrats as “liberal.” I do not ask that you describe yourself as “liberal.” Continue to call yourself “conservative” or…
LGBT Grant-Maker Wants to Win Religious Liberty Fight Quickly
By Kevin Jones | A leader in LGBT grant-making has told business leaders that he wants to shut down the political fight for religious freedom exemptions in the U.S. within three years. And these words are not empty rhetoric. A CNA investigation has found that millions of dollars have been poured into…
Are the Planned Parenthood Videos Setting Off a New Wave of Activism?
By Sarah Pulliam Bailey | Antiabortion activists see new undercover videos of Planned Parenthood as their biggest opportunity since the 2011 Kermit Gosnell trials to energize support for the issue. Planned Parenthood, which many antiabortion activists see as the face of abortion, has long been under attack…
Nikki Haley, Racial Tensions and Change
By Star Parker | Coincident with July 4, the Pew Research Center published a survey asking, “Why has the U.S. been successful? Reliance on principles or ability to change?” Fifty-one percent attributed America’s success to its “ability to change” and 44 percent to its “reliance on longstanding principles….