One Islamist’s View of Ben Carson’s Comments About Islam
By Tawfik Hamid | Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was roundly criticized last week for his comments about Islam. When asked whether he believes that Islam is consistent with the Constitution, his response was: “No, I don’t. I do not. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation….”
California’s Fast-Tracked Suicide Bill Sparks Accusations of ‘Stage Play’
By Maggie Maslak | The End of Life Option Act, now in the state senate, would allow physicians to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients who have requested it. In the second attempt this year to establish a “right to die” in the state of California, state assembly lawmakers passed an…
What Does September 11’s Flight 93 Teach about Self Governance?
By Mark Meckler | On September 11, 2001, the first successful counterattack of our long war against Islamic jihad was launched not by the United States military, but by a small, spontaneously formed, self-governing group of American citizens who possessed the courage to fight back. As the years pass…
Hunger Games at Amazon?
By Michael Metzger | If a recent New York Times article describing Amazon’s culture is anywhere close to the truth, Amazon is not a healthy place to work. In fact, it’s more like the Hunger Games. A few weeks back, NYT reporters Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld wrote a scathing review of Amazon’s corporate…
New FTU Course: Does Your Vote Matter?
In the American political system, does your individual vote matter? How is political power distributed throughout the nation’s citizenry? Consider a number of possible ways to approach this compelling question. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is free for…
Are You in the Midst of Being Assimilated?
By Jonathan V. Last | You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed…
How is this Nun Tirelessly Fighting Human Trafficking?
By Kim Lewis | The UN’s International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that forced labor generated annual profits of $150 billion in 2014. They also believe that one quarter of the world’s 20.9 million victims of human trafficking are children. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says…
Has Christianity Been a Driving Force in the Spread Of Democracy?
By Greg Scandlen | Protestant missionaries played an integral role in spreading democracy throughout the world. We could preserve our own if we learn from their ways. It has long been evident to me that the most successful societies in the world are former British colonies – the United States, Canada,…
New FTU Course: Is the Bible Historically Reliable?
Is the Bible a historical document to be trusted? Does it even make historical claims? Does it matter? Consider the arguments and decide for yourself. Join Bart Ehrman, Daniel Wallace and others in answering this question. Sign in to the class here to learn more about this course experience, which is…