What Advice Did One Dad Give to His College Age Son?
By David Desrosiers | Dear Son, I address you as son and not “Ryan,” because at core I’m your father, not your friend. Father and son are roles that come with expectations. My job has always been to prepare you for self-government: to ensure that your heart, gray matter, and grit are properly formed. If I did my job…
Why You Should Read “The Worst Books”
By Susan McWilliams | It’s great that you love the Great Books. But now it’s time to read some bad books. And I don’t mean just any bad books. I mean the Big Bad Books. I mean the Worst Books: the books that you’re convinced are the undoers of civilization, the creators of destruction, the tellers of…
Life During the Time of the Big University
By David Brooks | Many American universities were founded as religious institutions, explicitly designed to cultivate their students’ spiritual and moral natures. But over the course of the 20th century they became officially or effectively secular. Religious rituals like mandatory chapel services were dropped….
Looking for a Great Intern Opportunity in Web Media?
FrontPage Magazine, the online journal of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is offering an 8-week internship for a qualified student intern interested in serving on its editorial team. The accepted intern will assist the senior editorial staff on the daily operations of the publication covering a range of issues…
7 Gun Control Myths That Just Won’t Die
By Sean Davis | The debate over gun control and gun rights would be more productive if both sides focused on the facts instead of pushing myths about America’s gun laws. After every shooting, politicians and activists rush to the cameras or their keyboards to tell people exactly what should be done to stop mass…
Malala and Her Family Subject of New Movie by Davis Guggenheim
By Mike Scott | When Oscar-winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim signed on to make a movie about teenage activist Malala Yousafzai, he knew there was an undeniably inspiring story in her headline-grabbing journey. It’s not every day, after all, that a teenager wins the Nobel Peace Prize, as Malala did last…
Do Guns or People Shoot People, Mr. President?
By Karen McArthur | Dear President Obama, Like you, I am saddened by the shooting that ended the lives of at least ten people earlier today. Like you, I am heartbroken for those left behind to grieve, who must eventually pick up and move on. And just like you, I am concerned that we Americans hear this…
Why are so Many College Graduates Ignorant of the Constitution?
By Peter Fricke | A new survey reveals a shocking degree of ignorance about the U.S. government and Constitution, even among college graduates. College-educated respondents performed better than the general population in the annual “Constitution Day Survey” conducted by the American Council of Trustees…
Joys, Struggles, and Scare Tactics: On Down Syndrome and Abortion
By Mary O’Callaghan | It’s tempting to make neat calculations based on what we know in the abstract about Down syndrome. But once an actual child enters into the equation—with all of his strengths and foibles, quirks and habits—we don’t get the answer we expected at all. As Ohio considers a bill that…