by Prof. Jack Lewis | Oct 2, 2013 | Grey Matter
By Eric Metaxas | For decades, even centuries, we’ve been warned that overpopulation will lead to mass starvation. But the cataclysm has yet to come…. If there is ever a Hall of Fame for Pernicious Ideas, Thomas Malthus’s “An Essay on the Principle of...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Feb 19, 2013 | Grey Matter
By Eric Metaxas | Taro Aso, Japan’s finance minister, has only been on the job for a month but he’s already stirred up enough controversy to last a lifetime. In January, he made headlines around the world when he told a panel on social security reforms that the...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Dec 21, 2012 | Grey Matter
By Bonnie Kavoussi | U.S. Birth Rate Not High Enough To Keep Population Stable | Thanks to the weak economy, Americans are having fewer babies than the British and the French — not enough to maintain the size of the U.S. population without immigration, according...
by Prof. Jack Lewis | Dec 19, 2012 | Grey Matter
By Eric Metaxas | Choosing Our Extinction | Whatever your political persuasion, chances are that you believe in choice. Those who favor the right to kill unborn human beings in the womb, of course, characterize their position with the appealing vocabulary of...