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Who Do You
Say Christ Is?


Perhaps the course question surprises you.  You might think the modern academy has buried Christ either as a mythological figure or an irrelevant person of history.  But there is a current resurgence in open debate and conversation at leading universities around the world about the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth.  In fact, the whole question of “God” has been opened back up, despite what the “New Atheists” are asserting in their popular works and media appearances.  In the following short video, a professor from Oxford University sets the stage for this consideration by showing that the current conversation in philosophy and theology is engaging the minds of many in the academy.

Given the historical significance of Jesus of Nazareth, it is not surprising that a great deal of time has been spent over the last two thousand years considering the claims he made about himself, and those made by his followers, the Christian church.  We will consider a number of possible answers, including that Jesus was a great teacher, a myth or legend, the great rebel, a mad man, a deceiver, and finally the Son of God as Christians claim.  Some of these answers are more popular, while others have the lure of controversy or creativity about them.  The position one takes on this question normally leads to other positions as well, such as the existence of God, one’s purpose in life, and some of the questions surrounding the “meaning” of life.

Before we begin, let it be said that following views cannot all be true.  The law of contradiction makes it impossible.  And none of the sessions are meant to caricature the view or offend those who differ.  Knowing that many view Jesus as their Lord and Savior it must be said that some of what follows calls such faith into question and attacks the Person of Christ.  But the following views also reflect the incredible breadth of reaction mankind has had to the person of Jesus.

And he is still making headlines.  The following movie trailer is the most recent attempt to capture this man’s life and significance. In the end, you must think through the positions and decide which of them is true.  Who do you say Christ is?