In this final session, Mr. Blackwell covers the most dangerous factor facing conservatism: itself. Internal strife and confusion can sink the ship just as fast as attacks from externalities. Wise conservatives know that the way to win in politics is to increase the number and effectiveness of principled conservative activists and leaders who are philosophically sound, technologically proficient, and movement-oriented.
The question facing the conservative movement is one of coming together or being ripped apart. When the same organizations and the same leaders work side by side against the same enemies in a long series of election contests and legislative battles, they tend to become comfortable together. They learn which of their allies are trustworthy and come to like them. Through such processes, movements and normal governing majorities are born.
The search for a unified and strong conservatism leads toward preserving and promoting the principles that have always served the movement so well. Courage and faithfulness will lead a strong grassroots political participation and a new and strong leadership in the conservative movement. In this session, Mr. Blackwell details a political party apparatus and how you can get involved today!