Idealism, when not tempered by political realism and practical strategy, will get lost in a political world that is invariably imperfect and replete with compromises. Rather than trying to keep our ideas “pure” we should be finding ways to win the day both at the level of ideas and practical actions. Edmund Burke did not tell us: “All that is necessary to triumph over evil is for men to have enough good ideas.” Quite the contrary, Burke’s most famous words are: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Good ideas have desirable consequences only if we act intelligently for them.
In this second session, Mr. Blackwell will detail how conservatives are continually learning to use media, modern technology, and mass communication to turn their principles into practical actions at a specific and engaging level. Continued progress in this regard should lead to a growing ability to win elections and further the principles of the conservative movement.