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What Was the 1994
Republican Revolution?

Part 1: The 1994 “Republican Revolution”

The 1980′s saw conservative ideas at their crest.  Due to President Reagan’s policies the economy had recovered and the Soviet Union fell.  While the conservatives had seemingly won the arguments, the ground had moved under their feet.  With the candidacy of George H.W. Bush for president after Reagan, it was wondered if Reagan’s strong views could be sustained.  The famous “no new taxes” betrayal of George H.W. Bush resulted in many believing the conservatives had lost their strength.  After Bush lost in the ’92 election to Bill Clinton, conservatives were on their heels.  In this first session, Kerry Knott reviews the rise and fall of the conservatives in the 1980′s and then their rise again in the early 1990s with the presidency of Bill Clinton, setting the stage for the 1994 “Republican Revolution.”