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When Does Helping
Actually Hurt?

Helping Without Hurting: Fostering Change

This next video emphasizes that development is a process of ongoing change. But how and why do people actually change? Social scientists have observed common patterns in how most people experience change. The three primary triggers for change ultimately encourage people to reflect on what could be:

  1. A recent crisis
  2. A burden becoming so overwhelming that they want to pursue change
  3. The introduction to a new way of doing or seeing that could improve their lives

Because development is a process of change, it can only occur with people who are willing to change. Though people in need are on a spectrum, from those who do not see a problem at all to those who are fully willing and ready to change, churches and missions organizations will steward resources best when they work with those who are ready to embrace this transformation.

Ultimately, lasting change is only possible with help from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, praying for change must be central for the Church as it pursues this development process.