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When Does Helping
Actually Hurt?


As you just watched in the previous video, Fikkert closes by saying that human beings remember the high, the low, and the last thing that happened in a given experience. He ends with this powerful statement.

“The first step that the North American church needs to take in effective ministry to the poor at home and abroad is repentance. Repentance of pride. Repentance of a material understanding of the world. And an embracing of the good news of Colossians 1 Jesus. That I’m broken and that you’re broken. But Colossians 1 Jesus is bringing healing as far as the curse is found, and He can change the lives of poor people, including me.”

As you think about what you have learned and what God may have prompted in your own heart through this course, consider once more the video’s final quote by Oswald Chambers: “The bedrock in Jesus Christ’s kingdom is poverty, not possession; … The knowledge of our own poverty brings us to the moral frontier where Jesus Christ works.”

Let this be an awakening in us to our own, daily need for Jesus and His ministry of reconciliation and healing.