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How Can You Become
a Better Leader?

How Can You Become a Better Leader?

Some aspects of leadership seem to be innate, while other qualities or principles can be learned and adopted. You must determine whether you are cultivating those that can be acquired and capitalizing on those you received at birth. In a day of scientific explanations that reduce everything to a formula, leadership is still something of an intuitive art. You have to be around master leaders to begin to become one yourself.

902 Assignment

To this end, we want to encourage you in considering the ideas shared in this Thinker Education course to find one person with 10 or more years of formal leadership experience, to ask him or her some questions, like these:

  • What is the most important principle you consider when trying to lead others well?
  • Describe and explain for me the leader who most influenced you in your leadership.
  • What mistake should you (the one asking the questions) try to avoid most in leadership?
  • When you have completed this task, take the assessment at the end of the course, which will ask you some questions about the course content as well as the assignment above.

And godspeed in your quest, no matter your age or station in life, to lead well!