Booker T. Washington’s story does not end there, in 1915. His approach to living – based on character, education, and opportunity – remains as practical today as it was then. It is this common sense vision and wisdom, his philosophy of life, his commitment to godly character, that endures as a lasting and most valuable gift to us. He was an exemplary witness to what it is to be a Citizen of Heaven, and a Citizen of Country. Faithful stewardship is his legacy.
The ‘Booker T. Way’ is summarized in seven guiding principles for living, learning, and leading a constructive, productive life. As you process what you’ve learned about the Booker T. Way, consider your own story. Think about it. Every day, in everything you do (good or bad), you create and write your own story. By the grace of God, you are the author of your own history. We hope you will choose to think about what you can do to make your story what you want it to be.
Ephesians 2:10 says: “For we are God’s workmanship, created…to do good works which God has prepared, in advance, for us to do.” Do you believe that statement to be true? Have you been gifted – to steward those gifts for a calling in the world unique to you alone?
The Booker T. Way can be remembered with the acronym “I CHOOSE.” It reminds us that each of us (no matter our past or present circumstance) is responsible for his or her own thoughts, words, and actions.
OWNERSHIP of my actions
SERVICE to others
ENDURANCE through tough times with energy, enterprise, and enthusiasm!
Initiative…is taking action when no one is there to tell you to do the right thing. To do good, you actually have to start to do something. An anonymous saying says, “If you don’t do it, it won’t get done.”
Commitment…is what it takes to turn dreams into reality. Words may speak boldly of intentions, but actions speak louder than words. “It is making the time when there is none,” said Abraham Lincoln. “It is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.”
Hard work…is spending whatever it takes in time and effort to accomplish your goals. It is hard work to plan, analyze, and develop ways to reach your goals. “Leaders aren’t born, they are made,” Vince Lombardi famously observed. “And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.”
Ownership…means accepting responsibility for your actions. You recognize that you own the choices you make—that you choose not to blame others for bad choices and can be justifiably proud for the good choices you make.
Organization…is making the best use of your time, all the time. You are given the same amount of time,168 hours each week, as everybody else on the planet. Not one champion, hero, or role model you can think of gets any more time to accomplish great things. Those who get things done are different from those who do not. How they choose to use their time is a big part of it.
Service…is dedicating yourself to helping others as well. “Inherent in a genuine leader is an authentic desire and commitment to serve others,” Albert Einstein said. “A real leader is one who works for the good of people beside himself.”
Endurance…is the will to keep going, especially when the going gets tough. No matter how easy your life may seem, as sure as night follows day, you are bound to experience tough times. Stay the course. Be steadfast.
Welcome to the next chapter of your life! What will you choose?