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Should We End

Next Steps: Where Do We Go From Here?

One of the difficulties in this debate is the very act of defining a term objectively.  In the modern world of words, all is relative.  To the Progressive, every idea is constantly changing.  So what “masculine” meant yesterday, or means even today, is going to be something entirely different tomorrow.  So the discussion is constantly shifting.  And this makes for confusion.

A documentary on what it means to be “manly” is worth your time.  Due to its copyrighted nature, we can’t show you more than just the trailer, but the movie is readily available if you wish to explore the current nature of this debate.  It is witty and considers a number of possible sides to this debate.  Here is the trailer for the movie, “Mansome”.

The following news piece came out after Mansome hit the theaters.  It helps set forth some of the ideas discussed.

So what can a thinking person do to further this discussion?  The following “steps” or questions may help you determine how to keep this conversation going and to expand it.

  • How do you define “manliness” and from where do you derive this definition?
  • Do you think “manliness” needs redefining, and if so in what ways?  If not, what is the cause of this call for redefinition in your view?
  • What connections do you see between this call for redefining masculinity and the modern feminist movement?  If you have not yet done so, working through Thinker Education’s course experience, “Are You a Feminist?” would be a great next step.
  • Do you see/hear any of this debate in any of your collegiate studies?  Are all sides presented fairly and equally?  What can you do to bring balance to an imbalanced presentation?
  • In what areas of your life does this debate inform your decisions and actions?  Does it influence any of the following, and if so, how?  Dating life, work relationships, interpreting literature and history, etc.