- Transcript of Goldwater’s 1964 Republican National Convention Acceptance Address, which you can also watch online here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–375PlwiCw
- Radio Address of Robert Taft on America’s Town Meeting discussing: “Can Government and Business Work Together“
- Edwards, Lee. Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Pub., 1995.
- Edwards, Lee. The Conservative Revolution: The Movement That Remade America. New York, NY: Free, 1999.
- Goldwater, Barry M. The Conscience of a Conservative. Shepherdsville, KY: Victor Pub., 1960. Print.
- Goldwater, Barry M. With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater. New York: Morrow, 1979.
- Patterson, James T. Mr. Republican; a Biography of Robert A. Taft. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972. Print.
- Perlstein, Rick. Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. Print.
- Reagan, Ronald. Speech: “A Time For Choosing.”
- Regnery, Alfred S. Upstream: The Ascendance of American Conservatism. New York: Threshold Editions, 2008.
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