How Do We Define
Conservatism?Session 1 | What are conservatives, inherently, trying to conserve? American University professor Christopher Malagisi explains the conservative movement's origins and key principles.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
How Do We Define
Libertarianism?Session 2 | When does government intervention hurt more than it helps? Wall Street Journal columnist Stephen Moore makes the case for less government and for Libertarian ideals.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Is Traditionalism
& 'Ordered Liberty'?Session 3 | How can we have both liberty and order? Why is tradition important? Join University of Notre Dame professor Patrick Deneen as he answers these important questions.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
Why Did We Fight
the Cold War?Session 4 | What threat did Communism pose to America and the world during the Cold War, and why is this fight still essential today? Grove City College professor Paul Kengor explains.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
Why the Constitution
is Important?Session 5 | Should courts interpret the Constitution as written, or should the courts alter the Constitution as they deem necessary? Author and radio host Mark Levin provides perspective.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
Why Are Buckley & Fusion
Conservatism Important?Session 6 | Becky Norton Dunlop of the Heritage Foundation explores how William F. Buckley, Jr. and Frank Meyer "fused" disparate factions of conservatism to form the modern conservative movement.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
How Do We Define
Progressivism?Session 7 | Matt Spalding of the Heritage Foundation discusses the roots of the conservatism's rival, the progressive movement, and how it led to a need for the modern conservative movement.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
Who Were Robert Taft
and Barry Goldwater?Session 8 | After WWII, conservatism saw new leaders arise in Barry Goldwater and Robert Taft. Dr. Lee Edwards of the Heritage Foundation looks at these men and their ideas.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Is a Conservative National
Security and Foreign Policy?Session 9 | Conservative foreign policy opinion was united through the 1980s. Clifford May of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies explores how conservatives can secure America's future.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
How Do We Define
Social Conservatism?Session 10 | Why do conservatives care about "fighting for traditional values" and "preserving the civil society"? Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, makes the case.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Was the
Reagan Revolution?Session 11 | Conservatism reached a zenith under the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Dr. George H. Nash of the Russell Kirk Center looks at what fueled this revolution and how it came to prominence.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Was the 1994
Republican Revolution?Session 12 | What was the "Contract with America" and how did a struggling party sweep the 1994 elections? Insider Kerry Knott of the C.S. Lewis Institute explains this moment in US history.
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Is the Future of the
Conservative Movement?Session 13 | Can the Conservative movement lead America forward? One of its most visible leaders, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), casts a vision for the future, tying together previous Conservatism 101 lectures...
1000 pts | Politics and Government -
What Is the Real Nature of
Conservative Politics?Session 14 | Morton C. Blackwell of the Leadership Institute discusses how conservatives have changed in their understanding of the political process and the consequences of that new understanding.
1000 pts | Politics and Government