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Is God Not Fixing the San Bernardino Tragedy?

Is God Not Fixing the San Bernardino Tragedy?

By Brent Bozell | This morning, the New York Daily News published an offensive cover mocking GOP presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House and people of faith for turning to prayer after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California. Instead of denouncing this anti-religious bigotry, many in the news media have subsequently touted…

One Opinion About the Chicago Shooting Case

One Opinion About the Chicago Shooting Case

By Bernard E. Harcourt | THERE’S been a cover-up in Chicago. The city’s leaders have now brought charges against a police officer, Jason Van Dyke, for the first-degree murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. But for more than a year, Chicago officials delayed the criminal process, and might well have postponed prosecution indefinitely, had it…

Separating the Myths of the Separation of Church and State

Separating the Myths of the Separation of Church and State

By Matthew Spalding | While it is often thought that religion and politics must be discussed as if they are radically different spheres, the Founders’ conception of religious liberty was almost exactly the opposite. The separation of church and state authority actually allowed—even required—the continual influence of religion upon public life. In a nation of…

A College Crisis Very Well Worth Hoping For?

A College Crisis Very Well Worth Hoping For?

By Ross Douthat | BETWEEN the 19th century and the 1950s, the American university was gradually transformed from an institution intended to transmit knowledge into an institution designed to serve technocracy. The religious premises fell away, the classical curriculums were displaced by specialized majors, the humanities ceded pride…

The Great Collision of Culture, Civility, and Censorship

The Great Collision of Culture, Civility, and Censorship

By Nicholas Kristof | On university campuses across the country, from Mizzou to Yale, we have two noble forces colliding with explosive force. One is a concern for minority or marginalized students and faculty members, who are often left feeling as outsiders in ways that damage everyone’s education. At the University of Missouri, a black professor…

Goodbye Columbus Day, Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

Goodbye Columbus Day, Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

By Peter Fricke | Universities in Alaska and Oklahoma are taking a cue from liberal bastions such as Berkeley and Seattle in celebrating “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” rather than Columbus Day. Both states have historically had large Native American populations, and proponents view the name-change as a symbolic rejection…

Womens’ Voices Are Just As Loud As Everyone Else’s

Womens’ Voices Are Just As Loud As Everyone Else’s

By Geena Goozdich | Many people in America, especially those among our generation, have become apathetic about the idea of voting. Whenever the subject is breached, you constantly hear commentary like, “What is just one more vote?” or “I don’t care enough about it.” Even though it’s easy to become indifferent about…

Liberty University Gives Other Colleges a Lesson in Tolerance

Liberty University Gives Other Colleges a Lesson in Tolerance

By Richmond Times-Dispatch Editors | Bernie Sanders and the students and faculty at Liberty University don’t see eye to eye on many issues. The evangelicals at the Lynchburg college object in particular to his support for gay marriage and abortion rights. But that didn’t keep Sanders from addressing the students on Monday…

American University Joins Colleges Defending Free Speech

American University Joins Colleges Defending Free Speech

By Nick Gillespie | Faculty senate says “that shielding students from controversial material will deter them from becoming critical thinkers and responsible citizens.” The faculty senate at American University in Washington, D.C., has issued a resolution that really stands up for free expression. That such a…