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Have Modern Liberals Become Illiberal and Intolerant?

Have Modern Liberals Become Illiberal and Intolerant?

By Nicholas Kristof | WE progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table — er, so long as they aren’t conservatives. Universities are the bedrock of progressive values, but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is ideological and religious. We’re fine with people who don’t…

Does Single-Sex Education Make You Smarter?

Does Single-Sex Education Make You Smarter?

By Michael R. Strain | Economist C. Kirabo Jackson has a new working paper studying the effects of single-sex education on students’ academic outcomes and criminal activity. (I’ve done some work on this subject as well.) The paper is very well done. From its conclusion: The results show that single-sex education can improve both boys’ and girls’…

Is There a Case Against Shifting to Gender Neutral Bathrooms?

Is There a Case Against Shifting to Gender Neutral Bathrooms?

By SoCawlege | There’s probably a lot of people, primarily student activists, who get angry just from reading the above headline. I’ll ask two things from those of you who fall into that category – First, hear me out. Second, understand that the following argument is not based in any hostility towards any group, but rather raw practicality. Also, as you…

You Decide:  Is North Carolina Bigoted and Irrational?

You Decide: Is North Carolina Bigoted and Irrational?

By Libertad | A controversial law was recently passed in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina that would have made it okay for individuals to enter restrooms that best fit their own chosen gender identity. As absurd as this sounds, it’s true: a man could have legally entered a women’s restroom free and clear. Governor Pat McCroy responded with this…

Women Soccer Players Challenge Pay Disparity in Pro Sports

Women Soccer Players Challenge Pay Disparity in Pro Sports

By Matt Bonesteel | Five key members of the U.S. women’s soccer team have filed a federal complaint against the U.S. Soccer Federation to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging wage discrimination. In the complaint, the players cite USSF figures from last year showing that they were paid nearly four times less than men’s players…

Gay Rights: Are All Freedoms Good, Equal, and Best for Society?

Gay Rights: Are All Freedoms Good, Equal, and Best for Society?

By Matt Pearce and Jenny Jarvie | Under pressure from the entertainment industry and major corporations, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Monday vetoed a “religious liberty” bill that would have made it legal to deny services to gay people. His decision stands in sharp contrast to the situation in North Carolina, where Gov. Pat McCrory vowed…

Employers, Birth Control, and Their Date with the Supreme Court

Employers, Birth Control, and Their Date with the Supreme Court

By The Editorial Board | If the harm that Senate Republicans are inflicting on the nation by refusing to consider filling the Supreme Court vacancy were not already self-evident, a case that the remaining eight justices are hearing on Wednesday drives the point home. The case, Zubik v. Burwell, is a consolidation of seven lawsuits involving women’s…

Are Scientists Proving Climate Change’s Reality?

Are Scientists Proving Climate Change’s Reality?

By Justin Worland | Every time an extreme weather event strikes — from Hurricane Katrina to the California drought — observers wonder what role climate change might have played. And for years any reputable scientist, politician or journalist would respond that while global warming may play a role, no specific weather event could ever be attributed to…

Huge Tennis Star Caught Using Banned Substance

Huge Tennis Star Caught Using Banned Substance

Maria Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam champion and the world’s highest-paid female athlete, announced Monday that she had tested positive for the recently banned drug meldonium at the Australian Open. The tennis antidoping program confirmed the positive test, which occurred January 26, the day Sharapova lost to Serena Williams in the…