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Where Do Impactful
Ideas Come From?


This experience has led us through what might be called distinct and yet related “steps” to impactful thinking.  First Steven Johnson led us to see that creative “out of the box” thinking is not for just a few unique individuals, but is latent within all of us.  And the best way to find those ideas is through community and conversation.

Then Elizabeth Gilbert helped us think about the “genius” within all of us.  If it there, how do we get those ideas out?  She makes the point that one of the most dangerous things we can do is ruin our ability to unlock this genius.

Matt Ridley then challenged the idea that ideas are individual things.  He suggested that bringing more than one idea together, getting them to “have sex,” can in fact unlock whole new ways of thinking and approaching a given field or project.

But once we have this great and impactful idea, how do we get others acting upon it?  Derek Sivers showed how to start a movement while Seth Godin asserted that perhaps it is the bizarre and bad that get more press than the boring ones, and if we want others to buy our idea, we have to find a way to strike that chord of awakening in them.

Think outside the box

So what is your great idea?

If you don’t have one, what are you willing to do to bring one to life?

And once you have it, how do you plan to get it “out there”?

Now that you know where impactful ideas come from, go and impact others with your own ideas.