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What Is My
Life Philosophy?

Where Modernism Came From

Isn’t everything changing, evolving, and getting better?  How can things of the past be relevant to the present if everything is changing?  New is best.  Old is no longer of any use.  With the advent of new technology, more data, more knowledge, global communication, and things like the Internet, the old ideas are just that: old.  In fact, it would now seem that much of what was believed in the past, having been proved wrong, has brought about traditions and moral ideas that must be discarded if we are to move forward.  This modern perspective is addressed in the following lecture.

mod·ern·ism  n.  The deliberate departure from tradition and the use of innovative forms of expression that distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.

Frozen Time by Olga Rykova

Frozen Time by Olga Rykova